Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Shaolin Temple - Someone Like You


Yup, that's right kids, Temple is fuckin' back with the trillness; and the stoners all over the island are climbing to rooftops with blunt wraps and ghetto blasters in tow as we speak. For this preview of the mysterious Volume II has seemingly creeped up out of nowhere; much like talk of this upcoming release itself it began as nothing but a whisper slowly and slowly rising it until it is finally over taken by a liquid flow that takes us on the path of this slice of trip-hop; as if we can take this wavey-ass three-minute peek into the hookah-smoking caterpiller's mind. (and yup, that was an Alice reference)

So yeah, you might just wanna hit play now lol

But if you wanna stick around and hear me ramble on, I'd love to delve into the line-up change the Temple has chosen for this preview; upstart producer/lyricist M2 has made his first appearance onto the scene of Shaolin bass music, and quite honestly it's a pretty damn extrodinary debut. For by this point we have a pretty good idea of what a JTTG track sounds like (check his beat-tape for a full lesson) and most of us have a pretty good idea what The SHRNK and he sound like together on a track; tight heavy bass-work, with subtle under-pads of different shapes and sizes, but overall a very distinct sound. But the thing is while this track definitively falls under the overarching banner of T.S.T. as far as genre and tone, the execution and production decisions are pretty inherently different.

So, is this a good thing for Temple fans? Well, yeah probably, especially as some of the WAAU producers have begun to explore new more creative styles, they've developed vast stylistic differences, and this in turn will make (or should make) the collaborations within the group more distinct from each other. Who is on which track will begin to make a huge impact on how the track will turn out and sound, which is pretty cool news if your a fan of variation in this scene as we go forward.

Because, what, is everyone supposed to sound the fucking same? My vote is for "fuck naw" and I think it's truly tracks like these that are convincing most kids in this scene to agree on that.

Someone Like You by TheShaolinTemple

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